Play testing

Final Play Testing

After 16 months of hard work, lost sleep, and too many terrible-but-awesome jokes, Overlords of Infamy is in the final stages of development. While we await the last bits of finalized artwork, I’m continuing to tinker with the rules and interactions to make sure everything works together as accurately and cleanly as possible. I am very proud to announce that we are expecting to showcase a near-production quality game at Strategicon’s Gateway 2015 gaming convention in Los Angeles over Labor Day Weekend, September 4th – 7th!

So what’s next for Overlords of Infamy?

Over the next few months we will be getting in the last pieces of art, making sure everything fits together nicely, printing up some finalized review copies of the game and getting it out into the world. As our Kickstarter launch date looms near (I promise, I will let you know the date soon!), we plan to share articles and videos about the game and how it plays. Stay tuned!

Thanks for sticking with us, Overlords-in-the-making! I’ll be back with another update soon!
